A place where patience and support help them take the next step.

Our Junior Kindy cares for children aged 2 to 3 years.

Children of this age are naturally inquisitive and explore everything so meeting our toddlers increased curiosity and their need for problem solving is a priority for our staff!

We develop positive relationships with all our children and encourage them to explore their environment. Warm and friendly conversations between staff and children are commonplace and thoroughly enjoyed – not only aiding your toddler’s language development but also encouraging caring and loving relationships as well.

We use supportive and positive behaviour strategies to guide our toddlers through life’s new challenges including toilet training, sharing, communicating needs and getting along together.

We have a wide range of creative resources on hand too. This allows toddlers to explore art and the natural environment. The introduction of stories, singing, finger plays and movement, exposes the children to the richness of language and literacy.

Our large outdoor environment challenges the children’s physical and gross motor skills development. A huge sandpit allows room for everyone to play and inquire while our toddlers are encouraged to explore the garden for insects and butterflies.